For many it was a surprising turn of events given all the poll predictions. Donald Trump is the President Elect of the United States. The billionaire real estate magnate and former reality star needed an almost perfect run through the swing states — and he got it, winning Ohio, North Carolina and Florida. The Republican swept to victory over Hillary Clinton in the ultimate triumph for a campaign that repeatedly shattered the conventions of politics to pull off a remarkable upset. Clinton conceded to Trump in the early hours of Wednesday morning. Speaking at a victory party in New York, Trump was gracious toward Clinton and called for unity. Trump said; We owe (Clinton) a very major debt of gratitude to her for her service to our country,”. “I say it is time for us to come together as one united people.” He added: “I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be president for all Americans.” Trump won with 289 electoral votes compared to 218 for Clinton

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