the Prime Minister has defended the move not to allocate a subvention to the St Lucia National Trust. Prime Minister Chastanet says he does not believe that government should be paying 4 the recurrent expenditure of the trust. He suggests the trust submit its business plan to generate revenue. The Prime Minister says he has no quarrel with the Director of the SLNT or the organization. He denies suggestions that this move to cut the subvention is pay back for the Trust opposing the Maria Islands causeway and proposed Dolphin Park. However, his critics question why other organizations in debt or not making money, will still be receiving their annual subvention. No doubt, the public will be anxious to hear more about this decision and the government’s overall budget. The Throne Speech will be delivered by the Governor General this morning, after which the Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure will be presented to the Finance Committee. The debate on the 1.5 billion dollar budget will follow on Wednesday and Thursday.