Until recently medical professionals were of the view that Zika was spread in two ways – through the bite of an infected mosquito or through sexual transmission with someone infected with the Zika virus. Now it has come to light that that a man in Utah, USA was infected with Zika after only casual contact with someone who had the virus. Doctors say it is something that has never before been seen with the Zika virus. In July, a 73-year-old patient who’d contracted Zika while traveling to Mexico died (a rare occurrence in itself), then a second person came down with the virus. The second patient had visited the first man in the hospital, but had not traveled to any Zika-infected areas nor had intercourse with anyone who had Zika. Doctors say the extent to which the virus can be spread through bodily fluids, like sweat and tears, needs more research. Meanwhile, Health officials in Thailand have confirmed two cases of microcephaly, a severe birth defect in babies, linked to the Zika virus. These are the first cases to be confirmed in SouthEast Asia.
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