The Entrepot secondary school has embarked on its impressive 11th year of job training opportunities for its fifth form students. School counsellor, Adrea Joile Louisy, says the importance of the initiative cannot be over emphasised. While on the job training is a key aspect of most university student experiences, more and more schools are expanding their career guidance programs to include on the job training. Mrs Louisy says the initiative has benefitted students and the school immensely.

Yet another young man is currently undertaking on the job training at HOT FM Communications Limited which comprises Hot FM and Kiss FM. Rhygin Alexander has always had a love for music. He says he was very excited to be able to find out about being a DJ, announcer or producer within a radio station. He says he is hoping for the best for this one week job training.’

The management of Hot FM Communications limited has expressed full support for the efforts of the guidance counsellor at the Entrepot Secondary School and hopes to impart practical knowledge of the business to young students.